Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Anyone Can Write a Blog!

When I first started blogging and would tell people I was a blogger, they would ask what that was. Blogs have caught on like fire since then, I started at the end of 2004, and while most people still don't read blogs, they at least know what they are.

What I hear now when I say that I am a blogger is, "I could write a blog." I then get the "argue with me look". I don't argue, I agree. Anyone can write a blog. It's easy. Sign up with a host, start putting your thoughts down.

Writing an interesting blog is harder but it's still not that hard. No matter how mundane your blog might be, there is someone who will find it interesting. Even if it's just your family and friends.

Making money with a blog is harder but even that is not really that hard. I was doing it within a few months of starting to blog. I'm not a 6 figure blogger but I never really thought I would be a 1 figure blogger. Being a 5 figure blogger is pretty nice.

No, none of that is hard. You can tell that by the fact that millions of new blogs are started every year. According to some stats, like Sifry's The State of the Live Web, April 2007, there are 120,000 new blogs every day. If we are generous and say that 20,000 of those are spam blogs, that still leaves us with 100,000 per day or 3,650,000 per year.

The hard part of blogging is to continue blogging. Of those 100k blogs that are started today, how many are there tomorrow? How many next month? How many a year form now? They might still be out there at the end of a URL, but many, if not most, will be long dormant. The hard part is to sit down and write.

Ideas are easy and I think that's what people mean when they say they can start a blog. They have an idea. Might even have ideas. Ideas don't get it though. The ideas have to travel out of your brain and down your arms to your fingers so that they can be written. If you don't write, it don't matter.

When people give me that look and say, "I could write a blog." I say, "Yes you can. Here's the URL to blogger.com and wordpress.com. Send me an email after you get 30 posts and I'll link to you from my blog." I've heard that statement a hundred times at least. I've only linked twice.

Blogging is easy. Here's the URL to blogger.com and wordpress.com. Signing up is free. Send me a note and let me know what blog you created. I'd like to keep an eye on it.


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